On November 21, we will discuss in Juiz de Fora / MG, the most current issues regarding cheese production in Brazil and in the world. Professionals in the industrial area from different links in the chain, in addition to academic researchers, will present the newest technologies and innovations in the sector. The event is aimed at professionals and students involved in the cheese world.
You are following the public consultations of the new Technical Regulations on identity and minimum quality requirements for: creamy cheese or cream cheese; ricotta, provolone cheese, standard minas cheese and half-cured minas cheese? No! Then access the MAPA website by clicking here!
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Check the registration fees in the table below. Register now and take advantage of the discount until 10/31:
The entire registration process must be done directly on the FUNARBE website by 11/18. Click on the image below and have access to the event page on the foundation's website:

Let's innovate together?
Do you have any research or technology that can help the cheese industry in Brazil?
So come and join the SayCheese Zone!

One of Innovacheese's goals is to foster innovation in the area of cheese production, technology and marketing. If you are a student, teacher, professional, company or a cheese lover and have some innovation proposal for the production and marketing chain, the time is now. Come and participate in the SayCheese Zone on November 21st in Juiz de Fora. Participation is free and all proposals submitted and subsequently approved will be presented in poster, video, prototype and similar formats during Innovacheese breaks. To participate, just send your proposal using the link provided in the button below. The organizing committee will contact you with all the information necessary for your presentation in the SayCheese Zone . Don't miss the opportunity to present your academic or industrial work to one of the largest cheese communities in Brazil. The deadline for submission ended on November 3rd. The 10 selected proposals are listed below:

All the proposals approved for presentation during the SayCheese Zone , will be competing for the PRÊMIO VERDE CAMPO DE INOVAÇÃO trophy.
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Considered one of the most innovative companies in the dairy segment, Verde Campo has innovation in its DNA, which is why it supports and encourages new ideas in all areas related to the milk processing chain. The Award was the way found by the organizing committee of Innovacheese to extend the exchange of ideas in a festive moment. The award aims to recognize the best ideas presented during the Symposium (considering all 3 different formats).
We are a family owned and operated business.
The three ideas with the highest marks indicated by the technical judges (regardless of the presentation format), will compete for the GREEN FIELD OF INNOVATION AWARD , and will receive the following award:
1st place - trophy, certificate of best idea and a prize in the amount of R $ 1,000.00;
2nd and 3rd Place - Special Outstanding certificate that attests that the ideas are among the top three in the SayCheese Zone .
We are a family owned and operated business.
The ceremony to deliver the Green Field Innovation Award will be held at the closing of Innovacheese , on November 21st.

For the dimensions of the posters we suggest:
width: minimum 50 cm and maximum 90 cm;
height: minimum 80 cm and maximum 120 cm.
The poster must be clear, use as little text and as many figures, photos, tables and graphic resources as possible.
We suggest organizing the information so that the central ideas of the work are easily understood.
The poster text must be legible from a distance of at least 2 meters.
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We are a family owned and operated business.
We are a family owned and operated business.
All videos must be submitted using the SayCheese Zone form available on this page. They will be released in sequence in a single presentation during all event breaks.
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We are a family owned and operated business.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Proposals already in the prototyping or physical demonstration phase may be presented to the public during the SayCheese Zone breaks for appreciation, tasting or experimentation.
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We are a family owned and operated business.

Be prepared because taking notes here will not be easy ...
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It is our goal to bring you the basic teachings of cheese and butter technology. Prepare yourself because there will be many. You will have to study hard and every day because at any minute we will be applying an evaluation worthy of note.

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If you don't know the stories of Prof. Alberto Munck, you will be surprised. As one of the most famous cheese teachers in Brazil, Professor Alberto taught this discipline for many decades at the Cândido Tostes Dairy Institute. Always at the beginning of the year, he delivered a list with numerous basic questions for students entering his course. It was the famous " GENERAL KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT ". In the list, came the following introduction:
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"Our assessment tests are very demanding and you will need to prove that you know how to write a lot, so be prepared. So it will be in all of our assessment tests, after all, you are here to study. The easiness was last year, get ready , because otherwise it will be a lot of crying and yellow ribbon in December. Take care. "
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We are a family owned and operated business.
The objective was simple, to keep the students studying cheese during the academic recess period during Carnival. Hence the origin of the name: Carnaval do Queijão . Well, the teaching method was typically Alberto's (a big, strong teacher, of German descent , but with a huge heart). There are so many cases of Alberto to tell, that a marathon of any Netflix series would be watching ships.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Now that you know a part of the story, let's go to the challenge that is part of the different activities of Innovacheese.
We are a family owned and operated business.
We are a family owned and operated business.
We are a family owned and operated business.
We have prepared a list of questions prepared by Prof. Alberto (one of our best known Cheese Masters in Brazil). We search the bottom of the chest, it is true. The list is available in the form below. Everyone can participate by sending 1 or more responses. It is not necessary to complete all the answer fields. The best answers will be selected and disseminated during Innovacheese and will be part of a technical report from Inovaleite in e-book format that will be released during the carnival of 2020, thus celebrating the entire history and professional trajectory of one of the most well-known cheese teachers from all over Brazil, Alberto Valentim Munck. If you want to be part of this project the time is now. Alberto himself will choose the best answers. Everyone who participates will have their names listed as collaborators in the final document. You cannot miss this unique opportunity.
The deadline for submission is November 22.

“The responsibility to know and put more and more into practice the knowledge acquired to produce a quality cheese belongs to those who are not content with simply knowing how to make a cheese.”
We are a family owned and operated business.
Pof. Alberto Valentim Munck