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Do you know that dream of doing a legal internship or trainee program, in a legal company, with experienced professionals, with many challenges and practical learning that can leverage your career? Well, Inovaleite will give you a helping hand to try to make this dream come true. We will put you face to face with the most important professionals of the main dairy companies in Brazil.
This is another project by Inovaleite aiming to bring the academy and the industrial sector closer together.
We know that it is not easy for anyone! On the one hand, we have students in the final stages of the courses, looking for unique opportunities, but lost, as they do not know how to find the path of stones ...
On the other side, we have dairy companies, which are constantly looking for young talent. Bold people, willing to make a solid and lasting career, who understand that the beginning is not easy for anyone, and that just an opportunity to show what they can do best.
So, with this feeling of anguish in our hearts, as we keep in constant contact with these 2 sides, a simple idea came up at Inovaleite, but it can change your life. Let's do the OPPORTUNITY DAY INOVALEITE !
A meeting scheduled between you, student, and representatives of the most important companies in Brazil. The 2 sides in the same virtual room with the same objective: to make it possible for you to enter the job market through an internship vacancy or Trainee Program. That simple!

We know you are there, worried about life, because your course is ending, several friends are going to the job market and you still don't know what to do. We want to help you. But where do you need to go, too?

Now that you have understood the proposal of OPPORTUNITY DAY INOVALEITE , we are going to introduce you to the partner company of our next edition.
If you want an opportunity in a company, first, you need to know the company. So come on young apprentice...
Lactalis is a leader in milk capture in Brazil, considering the number of partner producers. Today, it is constantly expanding and has 19 manufacturing units spread over 8 states and 8,500 employees.
The Lactalis Group is a world leader in the dairy market. Its products are present in 88 countries with more than 250 factories and 80 thousand employees.
The factories throughout Brazil are responsible for several product lines that bring quality to the table of thousands of consumers every day. The investment plan in the country allowed Lactalis do Brasil to acquire traditional national brands, in addition to bringing the best of the international gastronomy experience to the domestic market.
With industrial units in 51 countries and a presence in 88 , Lactalis reinforces its global presence by adapting different forms of production and consumption while maintaining respect for the local and cultural specificities of each country where it is present.
Lactalis do Brasil, the company responsible for producing the Elegê , Parmalat and Président brands, ended the year 2020 with a projection to increase the volume of exported products by 167% in relation to 2019. Over the past year, even with logistical difficulties imposed by the pandemic on all industrial sectors, Lactalis managed to add four new buyer countries for Brazilian products to its portfolio. Paraguay, Argentina, Colombia and Peru are the most recent customers, in addition to Uruguay and Chile, which already imported in 2019. Soon, the Dominican Republic should also join this list. The company's forecast was to end the year with a volume of 3,431 tonnes shipped, against 1,284 tonnes recorded in 2019. Which has been confirmed!

On March 24, we will have 2 hours of conversation in a chat about "THE DAIRY MARKET AND PROFESSIONAL PROFILE" with the Director General of Lactalis Brasil, Alexandre Almeida , between 18:00 and 20:00.
We want to invite you student involved in the dairy world to be part of this moment. Come and participate… Only during the lecture, a unique registration system will be made available for participants to be able to compete for different vacancies in the selection processes that Lactalis has and that will be highlights throughout the presentation. It will not be just another presentation. It will be your chance to put your name at the top of the most popular job listings in Brazil.

Yes, but the number of places is limited. So, better not to waste time ... run there to sign up.
Inovaleite's online events aim to democratize access to quality information. We were only able to make this type of work feasible due to the support of funding agencies and companies that sponsor our activities.
Yea! Clear. After the event, all participants present in the room will have the opportunity to request the issue of the free certificate, or the solidarity certificate in the amount of R $ 7.99, which aims to help the Milkfund fundraising campaign.
After registering, you will receive an email with all the information needed to access our virtual event room.
We have an appointment on March 24, at 18:00. Also follow other news on Inovaleite's Instagram. Start following our work on social networks and stay up to date on the Group's actions. We always have some news to tell you !!!!

Opportunity Day Innovate ?

Let's start building your career together?
Alexandre Almeida (General Director of Lactalis) will help to make your professional life a little less complicated.
Come join the conversation and get all your questions answered!
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