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Need a little help to enhance your creation, research, development, or innovation process in your company? If the answer was yes, this page is the right place for you to spend a few minutes and get to know some laboratories that are dedicated to the science and technology of milk and dairy products. INOVALEITE presents Space To Create. Enjoy!
SPACE TO CREATE - connecting industry andacademy in Brazil and around the world!
At INOVALEITE we believe in the African Proverb: "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go in a group."
Therefore, aiming to contribute to the science and technology of milk and dairy products in Brazil, we have organized some information about some of the laboratories of the institutions that are part of, contribute to or collaborate with INOVALEITE in industrial or academic projects. The objective is simple, to facilitate the connection between industry and universities.
If you need to carry out any laboratory application, pilot plant tests, microbiological, physical-chemical and sensory research, or even a deeper investigation into the cause of unknown problems or perhaps develop a new technology, take advantage of the list we have prepared below . If you have any questions, just send them Let's build a new milk and dairy products industry in Brazil together.
Space located in the Food Technology Department of UFV in Viçosa/MG, has specific pilot equipment for membrane filtration processes, concentrates and dehydrated, fermented and cheese production.

Located in the Department of Food Technology at UFV in Viçosa/MG, the laboratory has a vast collection of microbial cultures isolated from different dairy ecosystems, indigenous to artisanal cheeses and other dairy products. The systematics of the isolates was genetically studied and the cultures were characterized in terms of technological interest.
Located in the Department of Food Technology at UFV in Viçosa/MG, the laboratory specializes in the microbiological quality of dairy products, the study of the biodiversity of lactic and dairy bacteria, the biotechnological potential of cultures, the production of dairy ferments for the food industry, milk and dairy products and in the study of spoilage microorganisms.

Located in the Department of Food Technology at UFV in Viçosa/MG, the laboratory carries out analyzes to determine the lactose and sugar content, proximate analyzes and shelf life of dairy products. He specializes in evaluating the performance of enzymes applied in the production of dairy products. Studies milk proteins and the interactions between dairy proteins and vegetable proteins.
On November 21, we will discuss in Juiz de Fora / MG, the most current issues regarding cheese production in Brazil and in the world. Professionals in the industrial area from different links in the chain, in addition to academic researchers, will present the newest technologies and innovations in the sector. The event is aimed at professionals and students involved in the cheese world.
You are following the public consultations of the new Technical Regulations on identity and minimum quality requirements for: creamy cheese or cream cheese; ricotta, provolone cheese, standard minas cheese and half-cured minas cheese? No! Then access the MAPA website by clicking here!
We are a family owned and operated business.

NEEM - Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure Center
Located in the Chemistry Department of UFJF in Juiz de Fora/MG, NEEM specializes in the use of spectroscopic tools in the investigation of industrial problems, identification of chemical contaminants, development of analytical methods and elucidation of crystalline structures.More >>
CENTRALBIO - Multi-User Laboratory of Bioproducts and Bioprocesses
Laboratory located at the UFJF Faculty of Pharmacy in Juiz de Fora/MG, CENTRALBIO is the sector responsible for carrying out technical procedures necessary for the development of scientific, technological and extension research projects in various areas of knowledge.More >>

Technological and Functional Properties of Food Proteins
Based in Food Chemistry Laboratory from the Department of Food Science and Nutrition at the Faculty of Food Engineering at UNICAMP in Campinas/SP, the group has the capacity to research the impact of different industrial processes on the structure of food proteins and their properties of techno-functional interest.More >>
Located on the Lagoa do Sino campus of UFSCar in Buri/SP, it has adequate infrastructure for studying the mechanical properties of foods, including rheology and texture analyses, in addition to having pilot equipment for the production of various dairy products, such as cheeses, fermented milks, sweet of milk and butter.

Located at the UFJF Faculty of Pharmacy in Juiz de Fora/MG, LAAA specializes in physical-chemical and microbiological analyzes of food and water. It has an analytical structure for determining the composition of foods and physical-chemical characterizations, as well as for isolation, identification, characterization and research with microorganisms of industrial interest. More >>
Located in the Veterinary Department of UFV in Viçosa/MG, InsPOA develops teaching, research and extension activities in sanitary inspection and quality control of milk and dairy products, diagnosis, epidemiology and control of cysticercosis and microbiology of foods of animal origin . More >>

The INOVALEITE group has several international partnerships and this came into fruition with the creation of the International Associated Laboratory (IAL) “Food Science and Applied Biology” (SAMBA). IAL, in partnership with the Polytechnic School of the University of Lille, BioEcoAgro; INRAe (Materials and Transformations Unit) and INSPOA, the science and technology in milk and dairy products developed by the group was internationally recognized. More >>

Let’s innovate together?
It is in times of crisis that people realize the importance of the dairy industry in their diet.

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