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In Brazil, much of the production of dulce de leche is still carried out on a small industrial scale or even artisanal. There is also no identity of its own that characterizes this national specialty which is mostly due to its immense territorial extension and vast cultural diversity. Each region shows a distinct preference regarding flavor, color and/or texture.
According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply of Brazil (MAPA), released in Brazil Dairy Trends 2020, the production of dulce de leche inspected by the Federal Inspection System (SIF) in Brazil (encompassing all its varieties for consumption , that is, in paste or tablet, with a traditional flavor or with additions), is concentrated in the Southeast (62.1%) and South (33.3%). Minas Gerais is the largest producer with 58.1% of production.
In order to map the dulce de leche technology park in Brazil, INOVALEITE began to survey the location of all dulce de leche manufacturers (and commercially similar products) in the country. We know that this type of survey is not simple and constantly needs reviewing, so if you have any new indications or suggestions for this review, just send them in to Let's build up the map of DL in Brazil together?? 


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Come and participate in this unprecedented in-person attendance mini-course of INOVALEITE that will be held in 3 different classes on July 12th, 14th and 15th (you can choose the day that best suits your schedule) in Juiz de Fora / MG. Let's learn together about the latest in the area of DL processing?
Chemically, we can define dulce de leche as a mixture of milk and sucrose, in which the Maillard reaction developed during the heat treatment and evaporation stages defines not only the main characteristics of flavor, color and aroma, but also its microstructure, modulating the texture and rheology. Dulce de leche has been gaining more and more space in Brazil and in the world, especially in the institutional market. Recently, dulce de leche export data from Brazil point to a significant growth of 441% between 2016-2021. Despite the not very abundant scientific data in this area, Brazil appears as the country that most has published on it as well as on its most intricate technological aspects for the last 4 decades, being currently a reference in research on dulce de leche  worldwide!
The production of dulce de leche in Brazil is extremely dispersed, with more than 350 manufacturers being so far mapped across the country, which makes it difficult to establish real production data. In addition, there is also the industrialization of "commercially similar to dulce de leche" products (dulce de leche paste, Foundant de Leite, dulce de leche flavor, among others), which do not receive the legal sales denomination "dulce de leche" for not meeting the requirements of the technical regulation of identity and quality established by Mercosur, though, having a large share in the Brazilian market.
Thus, it is possible to infer from the analysis of specific data that Brazil is currently underestimating its annual production of dulce de leche and similar products, placing itself in a world ranking position below other countries for lack of a methodological vision and even technical-scientific research of national bodies. It is imperative to highlight that few research groups are dedicated to studying the chemistry and technology of dulce de leche, especially at the interface with the industrial sector. Therefore, there is a shortage of published scientific documents both nationally in Portuguese and internationally by Brazilian and global researchers. Currently, Brazilian universities are the ones that publish the most about dulce de leche in the world (a fact little publicized so far), with emphasis on institutions in the State of Minas Gerais (which concentrates the largest production of dulce de leche in the country).
We can highlight that dulce de leche is the main heat-concentrated dairy product produced by small and medium-sized dairy and food plants in Brazil. This process is used in order to improve the conservation and palatability of the product, reducing transport and storage costs, making it more attractive to the consumer. The combination of two of the main Brazilian commodities (milk and sugar) allows the value adding through this very peculiar manufacturing process, due to the strong influence of the components generated during the Maillard reaction on the characteristics of flavor, color, texture and aroma. In other words, Brazil has a unique condition of being a world leader in industrial and in scientific production of dulce de leche by following the same successful pathway undertaken during the repositioning of artisanal cheeses on the marketplace, after several years subjugated as products of little industrial and scientific interest. Today, however, the latter stands out on the national scene thanks to the work of different fronts of research and entrepreneurial actions.
Moreover, given the importance of this segment in the food industry scenario,  INOVALEITE group is pleased to invite you to participate in InnovaDoce - 5 Senses Edition! Our proposal is to create a moment for discussion about advances in its processing in Brazil, including aspects of quality control and technological development in addition to sensory evaluation. It will be a total of 4 hour in-person attendance course all for free.
Innovation in the area of dulce de leche is dependent on the consumer's sensory perceptions of the product. So, come and learn more about the influence of technology and process parameters in this unprecedented course by the INOVALEITE Group, which will be held in Juiz de Fora/MG. Bring your vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch and enjoy an utterly sweet scientific and technological morning in the laboratories of UFJF Science Center.


Yeah! Inovaleite events aim to democratize access to quality information. We’ve only been able to make it possible due to the support of the institutions and funding agencies that support our research group. We record here our acknowledgements to: UFJF, UFV, TUD, UNICAMP, UFSCAR, CAPES, CNPq and FAPEMIG.


Yeah, of course!  After the event, all participants will have the opportunity to request the issuance of a free certificate.


The mini-course will be held in the laboratories of the UFJF Science Center. The Science Center is an organ of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) that aims to serve students of all levels of education, as well as society in general. It has several permanent and temporary exhibitions and other spaces for visitation, such as the Planetarium and the Astronomical Observatory. Inaugurated on August 26, 2006, the Science Center was created from the initiatives of the Deans of Research and Extension of UFJF, and professors from the Institutes of Exact Sciences and Biological Sciences, from  Colégio de Aplicação João XXIII and from the Faculty of Engineering. It has different laboratories and ample parking space in a unique and privileged position at UFJF’s campus. That is why we’ve chosen it for the event realization.


In order to serve the largest number of interested parties, and considering the limited space for carrying out an in-person mini-course with all the necessary security (15 students per class), INOVALEITE will make it available 3 different days for the realization of this event. Thus, you can choose the date that best suits your needs. The course will be held in three different classes between 8:00 and 12:30 on July 12, 14 and 15 (classes A, B and C respectively). The content will be the same in all classes, so don't worry about it. Just choose the best day and register. 
After your registration, you will receive a confirmation email. 
We have a date in Juiz de Fora in July, then! Also follow other news on INOVALEITE's Instagram. Start following our work on social media and keep up to date with the Group's actions. We always have something new to tell you!!!

InnovaDoce -  5 senses edition!


Shall we innovate together? 

It is in times of crisis that people realize the importance of the dairy industry in their day-to-day feeding habits.

Come and join InnovaDoce and discover everything about this amazing technology! The processing of dulce de leche is increasingly prevalent in industries.

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