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This business of writing a book... where does it begin...? where does it end...? Who knows!! Because with us, who are from Minas Gerais, things just happen, it seems like they were there a long time ago... and that they never go away from us... Imagine the complication in our heads, of inventing to write a book about Special Cheeses... in a blessed land where every cheese... is special!! And it was this damned mess that I got into when, I suspect, through the work of some pale and whispering Scandinavian spirits, I decided to write this book that you, calm and in the peace of the holy God, now have in your hands... That's right. .. there in Minas, where I was born, there are these things, these trains that mark our lives... there in Minas Geraes there are a lot of drips, it's true... but there are “drops” too... yes sir, “ drop"! Of those that drip, for disconcerting, minute eternities... because these hidden areas of Minas Gerais keep their magic, brokenness and charm... embedded in almost medieval alchemy and unfathomable colonial secrets... that's right, that's where it was born, you know- if there like, the impenetrable “drop”, nestled in its cuité cradle... rocked by symphonies of hidden waterfalls in the portentous Serra da Canastra... adorned with evergreens in the altitudes of Serro, there on the sides of Diamantina, where more than one bandeirante, amid deliriums of tourmalines, got lost... veiled in the Salitre mountains by soft-spoken cheesemakers with slanted eyes... 

Special Cheeses

SKU: Book-08
  • Important Note

    This is a digital book kindly made available by the author for the Milkfund campaign. After completing your donation, you will receive an email with all the information to download the file. We ask that you do not share the file received, as this makes our fundraising campaign difficult. Be a partner in this idea!

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