The microbiology team studies the microbial communities associated with milk and dairy products. We focus on researching the microbial biodiversity responsible for the characterization of dairy products, mainly in artisanal cheeses made in different regions of Brazil. The microorganisms isolated from these products are kept in our Culture Repository and are subsequently investigated for their genotypic and phenotypic characteristics. Our ambition is to understand the importance of these microorganisms in the characterization of products and to verify the possibility of their industrial use under defined conditions and products. After understanding the techno-functional, organoleptic, bioprotective and probiotic properties of the cultures, we studied the strategies to make atomic drying possible for those with potential for industrial use.

Another bias of our research is the identification and characterization of deteriorating and pathogenic microorganisms in dairy products. In this regard, we wish to understand the different access routes of these microorganisms to food and what are the main products produced through microbial metabolism. In addition, we have developed studies on the evaluation of alternative methods of enumerating microorganisms of interest in dairy products. This type of research allows the validation of substitute methods to conventional techniques, which have the advantages of speed and simplicity of execution, being thus applied to the monitoring of the quality of dairy products.
Some of our work:
Physical-chemical, microbiological characterization and study of the microbial biodiversity of artisanal cheeses produced in the Brazilian Amazon.
Biodiversity of lactic microbiota, physical-chemical and microbiological characterization of curd in the hinterland of the micro-region of Guanambi, BA.
Genomic biodiversity of endogenous lactic acid bacteria from Zona da Mata and Campo das Vertentes, MG.
Genetic and phenotypic diversity of endogenous propionic bacteria isolated in Campo das Vertentes, MG.
Biodiversity of lactic acid bacteria and preservation through lyophilization and spray drying of strains of Lactobacillus plantarum isolated from Marajó cheese.
Bacterial diversity of artisanal cheese from the Amazon region (Brazil) in the dry and rainy seasons.
Diversity of strains of Weissella spp. and technological potential of isolates from different regions producing artisanal cheese in Brazil.
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis AF019: genomic sequencing, production of nisin Z and formation of aromatic compounds.
Application of commercial and indigenous microbial cultures to accelerate ripening and improve the sensory quality of cheeses.
Application of probiotic and bioconservative microbial cultures in the development of dairy products with a high fat content.
Use of strategies to adapt Lactococcus lactis strains to spray drying.
Drying of lactic acid bacteria to produce yeast for making cheese.
Evaluation of the biotechnological potential of Bacillus bacteria isolated from UHT milk.
Microbiological quality of UHT milk made in Brazil and genetic diversity of spore-forming bacteria.
Purification, characterization and evaluation of the differential expression of proteases by Pseudomonas fluorescens .
Risk characterization of pathogens in Minas Frescal cheese.
Enumeration of starter cultures during yogurt production using PetrifilmTM AC associated with acidified MRS and M17 broth.
Enumeration of bifidobacteria using PetrifilmTM AC in pure cultures and in fermented milk made with commercial culture of Streptococcus thermophilus .
Selective enumeration of propionibacteria in Emmental type cheese using PetrifilmTM AC plates added with lithium glycerol broth.
Enumeration of aerobic mesophiles in milk: evaluation of official standard protocols and PetrifilmTM AC plate.